Bank Failures Watch
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This page was last updated: September 29, 2011
Tier One
Alamosa State Bank—Alamosa
Citizens State Bank of Ouray—Ouray
First National Bank of Estes Park—Estes Park

Tier Two
AMG National Trust Bank—Boulder, Englewood
Bank of Burlington—Burlington
Colorado State Bank—Walsh
Community State Bank—Lamar
Dolores State Bank—Dolores
First Farm Bank—Greeley
McClave State Bank—McClave
Points West Community Bank—Julesburg
San Luis Federal Bank—San Luis
Trust Company of America—Centennial

Tier Three
5 Star Bank—Colorado Springs
Collegiate Peaks Bank—Buena Vista
Colorado Federal Savings Bank—Greenwood Village
Eastern Colorado Bank—Cheyenne Wells
Equitable Savings and Loan—Sterling
Farmers State Bank of Brush—Brush
First National Bank of Hugo—Hugo
Frontier Bank—Lamar
Morgan Federal Bank—Fort Morgan
Redstone Bank—Redstone
Steele Street Bank and Trust—Denver
Young Americans Bank—Denver
Exclusive ratings of financial strength of Colorado banks
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Bank Failures Watch
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Tier One--None
Tier Two--AMG National Trust Bank, Trust Company of America
Tier Three--Colorado Federal Savings, Steele Street Bank and Trust, Young Americans Bank
Tier Four--Bank of Denver, Centennial Bank,
FirstBank, Flatirons Bank

Higher-tier banks meet a greater number of ratings criteria, as set by Bank Failures Watch.
US banks and credit unions are subject to federal and state regulators. Every US bank and credit union is required to file a detailed publicly-accessible financial report with federal regulators four times a year. The raw data from these regulatory filings help analysts determine the health, strength, and safety of these financial institutions.

The soundness of a bank is determined by multiple criteria, including asset size, capital (net worth), tangible and risk-based capital ratio, deposit growth, liquidity, and net income.

Tier Four
Bank of Colorado—Fort Collins
Bank of Denver—Denver
Bank of the San Juans—Durango
Cache Bank and Trust—Greeley
Centennial Bank—Centennial
Colorado Community Bank—Yuma
Del Norte Federal Bank—Del Norte
Farmers State Bank of Calhan—Calhan
FirstBank—metro Denver and Colorado
First National Bank Cortez—Cortez
First National Bank in Lamar—Lamar
First National Bank in Trinidad—Trinidad
First National Bank of Las Animas—Las Animas
First National Pioneer Bank—Wray
Flatirons Bank—Boulder
Fort Morgan State Bank—Fort Morgan
Gunnison Savings and Loan—Gunnison
Home Loan State Bank—Grand Junction
Kit Carson State Bank—Kit Carson
Montrose Bank—Montrose
The Palisades National Bank—Palisade
Rio Grande Savings and Loan—Monte Vista
Wray State Bank—Wray
These safety rankings are for a bank's financial structure, but does not rate cybersecurity.

How cybersecure is your bank?
Business bank accounts face serious safety threats from cyber criminals. >>>
Colorado's five bank failures is the fourth-highest number of bank failures among states in 2011.
Weiss, a leading bank rating service, lists 52 Colorado banks with a "D" grade, and eight banks with an "E" grade. (Five Colorado banks have failed in 2011 as of July 22.)
Many Colorado banks are financially weak and in danger